(Wrong :P)
In layer’s eyes, me and gel are the only viable kills. Kill me today and try and delay gel flipping? Because at this point a me flip is probably better for town because if Cloned is town it will make him re eval. I don’t think it would do much good though in all honesty
But with gel he turns on Cloned or ejji? If we have 2 MLS left then this could be a wolf trying to find people outside of the poe to push on but why would he go there and not to Molly or min
I think looking at how easy it was to save squirrel doesn’t matter if you think about how these people haven’t played mafia in a while and might be extremely self conscious about their movements, more than normal
I don’t have energy to flesh out my worldvuikding because I feel like I am not actually aware of how people view eachother rn which makes me uncomfortable but wtv
Frankly speaking I don’t think those actions are logical anyway. It’s pushing who pushes him regardless of alignment
A better thing to do would probably be to question him about why he thinks that way
Or pressure to say why he suddenly dropped the scum-read on you he seemed confident on
Or why he claimed to scum-read squirrel yet kept avoiding the topic the entire time when squirrel was getting yeeted
I don’t know why I’m even writing this… Explanations mean less than actions when it matters
Did laser seem self conscious to you tho?
i’m… not really convinced by this, it could just be he didn’t think it was a good idea to save squirrel, or was frozen wrt votes
i like 99% vote gell out of these two sorry cc
Tbh it just didn’t seem that way to me. He just seemed disinterested
If he was stressed about interactions, he could have bussed
Or just talked about the yeet in any way to test the waters
Didn’t bother doing even that until 1min before EoD
Tbh thancc
Idk if I’d say self conscious but he didn’t vote at all
I don’t feel confused at all that it’s gel but if I say that everyone feels villagery enough then I have to assume that ejji or Cloned is the wolf
Ejji and gel both have very similar vibes imo
Awkward bus votes are normally obvious awkward bus votes though. Not voting at all is ehh
I don’t understand the wording here, are you saying that if Gellnick isn’t mafia then it is Ejji or Cloned?
Are you going to have opinions or just keep asking people about theirs ti make it look like you have them
my gut isn’t all that convinced it’s gell
could be worse
The thing is if it’s not gel then who
You, Molly? Laser?
I’m not going ejji
feel like it would kinda have to be in laser/min
i hope i never have to figure out which