squirrel overall is looking to start off slow no matter what
but in the town game he picked up mid d1 while in cocktail he doesnt seem to pick up anywhere
he seems to be making a lot of promises of doing things later/working on things and then never delivering in cocktail
squirrel has only had a town game as recent as 14 months ago?
i dont think so
i think laser just said that that was the most recent one in which they both played together
im too lazy to search through games on my own
Yeah the only games I linked were ones that had both Squirrel and I in them. Though there are some other games that I didn’t link because they had really wacky setups.
laser are you saying that squirrel doesn’t play different as mafia and town
To me Town Squirrel and Mafia Squirrel appear very similar.
and are you using this argument to say that aelin can’t townread squirrel
other way around
im scumreading squirrel
dont do this to me dwai
laser is town but we already knew that
Evolution of my day 2 reads and how I feel our best step forward would be today.
Confirmed town (eric, orange)
Strong town read (fire) *if confirmed town is not reserved for role card flips in my book fire would be up a slot.
Town read (laser, andres)
Confirmed mafia (Jkbear)
And my new list at this point of the game looks like this,
Aelin - I do not see where the campaign against orange is in any mindset helpful and if it was for positive rational on Aelin part, I do believe the brain power used to write it up would be better spent on actually finding the mafia then failing to “protect” night kill targets. This could also been seen as a slip of the night kill being towards orange then towards the claimed doctor (which is was), will need to reread that post though. The generation of the rational for the vote on squirrel after casting said vote is not inline with what they did yesterday with their “push” onto orange.
Overall - Slight Mafia Read
Clonedcheese - Standard all over the place town cheese which is leaning towards the good here. I believe I have not played a game with an evil cheese yet so do take what is stated above with a grain of salt.
Overall - Slight Town Lean
Dwai - Same story as yesterday nothing to add now
Yesterday rationale
Still not seeing much sustenance coming out of this slot but the leaving of the self vote on yourself right and to the end leaving you in threat of being the majority is something I do not feel as mafia would have been done.
Overall - Strong Town Lean
Ejjinami - orange’s lead candidate for today’s elimination which does hold water and will for the rest of the day. Other than that not much else to right home aboot actions wise. (That is the second time I have wrote that besides Ejjinami’s name which is something to note)
Overall - Mafia Lean
Gellnick - as noted in my end of day post on the subject of gellnick his second reads we’re better (as in actually presenting some), so that is a positive. Will really like to know where he is come at with his push on me today and that will probably be a factor on how I will read him going forward. (As a vote and dip is not a good look at all).
Overall - Slight Mafia Read
Squirrel2412 - I still like squirrel in this game so far (mainly based on what I stated yesterday), but being second place on the orange hit list is a hint I very much could be missing something here.
Yesterday’s rationale
I really like their reading of the end of day festivities and his inclusion of my myself into his cleared group (which I do confirm as correct even though that means nothing to everyone) which does the job of shrinking the pool even further which is town’s job not mafia making me trust him for that.
Overall - Slight Town Lean
TheFlash - I have to put flash in a similar read packet as cheese, playing a strong meta game with respect to past performances and has be liked by the majority of the town and CT’s, in saying that though there has been some brow raising moments throughout the game (mainly the push on andres) that still have it tough to give him anything then the one tick positive.
Overall - Slight Town Lean
So where my vote sits right now is between aelin and gellnick, will cement on to one of them as the day progresses and how the wagons form. (Between the two I am leaning more towards aelin)
What does this mean
You voted without stating a reason then have been working on generating your reason after said vote. (By the inquiry into his past games). This is counter to what you did with orange yesterday.

*is what that’s saying

multiple perspective slips

Squirrel2412 - theyve felt pockety towards me, and i also feel like theyve perspective slipped a few times in ways that are minor, but really difficult to interpret really any other way in my eyes
i looked at the past games in order to see if it dissuaded my reads
its not like im just
not going to talk about what im reading though
Sure you had reads about said player before, but you did not use them in your push of them, you did not bring them up until now, your push went straight vote, straight quotes*, straight into diving into past games.
*You did have a selection of out of context quotes for presented in between both of those, but I feel quotes are not reads especially if you did not answer what about the said posts caught your attention.