Well I didn’t say he isn’t a person or human, all I said is he is a robot. I disagree with those who define an android as not a robot, while I don’t necessarily disagree with those who define an android as a person
posted “first” and then didn’t even stick around after that
maybe that’s towny though
I can’t play this game
And how is that wolfier than people who came in late?
Aelin i didn’t want to come out and wolfread you off the bat but here I am
I came in late
Is that meant to be discouragement? Because it seems more like trying to pressure me to get off of your case, which I would qualify as wolfy because you don’t have a real answer.
omg pfp change
As did I. Why is, for example, sleeping at a certain time wolfy?
Yeah, I kept forgetting to change it.
i don’t like answering questions
Yes, but it was a remarkably different answer when I asked you about cloned versus when I asked you about Andres.
if you’re going to wait for daystart so you can be the first to post, why wouldn’t you stick around after people get in thread
it implies to me that you were excited for the game but the idea of actually having to interact people isn’t fun which is wolfy
I enjoyed your original answer regarding Andres on a non-FM level, but this sets off a few alarm bells.
it’s because I’m a wolf with one of them
… or it implies that he went to sleep?
Good enough for me.
VOTE: Dwai
Good morning Dave, and everyone one else you are important to.
Looking back through what took place over night I would say that the entire conversation around Cloned can be disregarded (with respect to the discussion about cloned) due to the fact that the first post was NOT his only post of the day so far and based on the activity of the first couple of hours I would not fault him at all for not sticking around more than he did.
Interesting that aelin did not pick up on this as well.
Leads me to puts some measure of suspicion on dwai for that and also to VOTE: dwai