M19 Doc 14 Game Thread - Mafia win!

Interesting. I checked, and it looks like, of this playerlist, there are six people in common with the only other game I’ve played on this site, which only had 11 players and was over a year ago.

Hm? Do tell more.



Ooh, I like this one~

If eric was being serious then he’s probably a wolf


I’m watching brooklyn99 and was reminded of the time that someone tried to use the monty hall problem to justify reads as if it applies when you say “there’s one wolf in these three people”


So even tho @EricKline isnt in this game, I feel this still needs to be said for traditions sake

I’ll give a crispy high five to any mafia scum that steps forward right now


also sorry have to catch up on posts i’ve missed

Just a note for those who have played with me before - I am not going to be as active as usual since I am no longer constantly free (AKA being in high school)

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just u wait

excellent show

I will say I laughed a lot at this


VOTE: TheFlash

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Also hello everyone I am Vision and I was (WandaVision spoilers ahead - although if you haven’t watched it yet its your fault cuz its a masterpiece) killed by thanos and remanifested by my girlfriend Wanda Maximov while my body was spawned into the white vision. which is just me! because I am like the ship of theseus!

Speaking of…


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Hey thanks for your vote! every vote counts in this election!

oh wait… is this not an election? uh oh /s

on another note, I saw u mention posts in build season quotes on CD, I don’t recognize your name from CD have you played with us before? Curious so I can make sure I can use historical info on u if necessary haha :slight_smile:

How long do I have to wait? On my home site we end 14p games with 6k posts easily, and that’s if they’re short.

On chief delphi we have had various length games and sizes but usually rest around 3k for an average game

For reference:

I’ve already found a favorite thread.


Yes its a classic - Gets really competitive too

I never played a game on CD. Well, i played one. Think it was actually a turbo. I had no idea what I was doing back then.