M16 Game Thread

Gl tonight boys



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Vote Count

000peo (7): Arete, orangeandblack5, bepwei, JKBear331, EricH, EricKline, clonedcheese
EricKline (5): Ari_2412, Squirrel2412, Quin, k.aylee2412, laserlab
orangeandblack5 (1): GoalkeeperBoss
GoalkeeperBoss (1): cattypaws_f

Not Voting (3): TheFlash, 000peo, GTacc

@000peo has been eliminated. Stay tuned for the reveal.


Day 1 has ended.

As the battle for the control of the Hypnos Shipyards started, Jedi Master Yoda sensed a disturbance in the Force in the forces attacking the Imperial installations. He sent R2-D2 to investigate, but when the droid got there, the only person left standing was 000peo, having apparently survived a devastating attack from the only functional Imperial starship at the shipyards, the ISC Eric Kline. R2-D2 brought 000peo back to Yoda, who determined that the only way to survive that attack would either have been intentional on the Empire’s part, or for 000peo to have powers with the Force. Yoda sent 000peo home in order to recover from the attack after determining that 000peo had powers with the Force, and had never used the Dark Side.

@000peo was the Republic Universal Backup!

Night 1 has started and will end 2021-01-03T17:00:00Z

Day 2 Start.

EricH was investigating a random hole in one of the doors to a small Republic shuttlecraft when he saw a Sith lightsaber blade through it. He moved to open the door, but before he got to the control panel, Darth ----- had passed by, removing another Republic droid from the battle. Meanwhile, Emperor Darth ----- enjoyed some donuts.
As always, inclusion in flavor is meaningless.

@EricH has been eliminated! He was a Republic Droid!

Day 2 has started and will end 2021-01-05T05:00:00Z.

Vote Count

Not Voting (15) - Arete, orangeandblack5, bepwei, JKBear331, EricKline, clonedcheese, Ari_2412, Squirrel2412, Quin, k.aylee2412, laserlab, GoalkeeperBoss, cattypaws_f, TheFlash, 000peo, GTacc

This topic was automatically opened after 11 hours.

I apologize for being MIA like all of yesterday - (its the end of my parents time off from work this weekend and they wont have days off until im back off to college so theyve been wanting me off pc as much as possible) - Ill try to be more active today’s in game day (probably more tomorrow because of the same reason i was mia yesterday haha)

Im gonna quickly read over the stuff i missed after last time i posted and then give my very late “post yesterdays lunch” thoughts

oh gosh thats half of the thread :joy: uhhh ill be back in a bit then


hey everyone

sorry for missing EoD-proper yesterday, I was typing up a legacy post and lost track of time and then the thread locked

anyways, I worked on a proper readlist overnight, I tried not to make it ridiculously long but I think it should be okay

reasonably comfortable town (unlikely to be a misclear here)

Ari - I think Ari’s motivation for choosing his numbers is very unlikely to be made up + very unlikely to come from Mafia. I also thought his reads were relatively free-flowing – it felt like he was bouncing organically from point to point, rather than trying to force them. (Also, in FM2 when we were Mafia together, he had a lot of trouble coming up with fake reads, like it took like half an hour to get him to come up with a player to list as his fake top townread)

clonedcheese - cloned’s instant suspicion that anyone who townreads him must be trying to pocket him is basically exactly what I expect from V!cloned, I also like how he’s actively attempting to push his reads even when they go against the consensus, rather than just letting the thread carry him places

Eric Kline - I think his EoD is fairly unlikely to come from a wolf, although Wolf Vengeful is super plausible + strong I think a wolf vengeful would be relatively less likely to actually claim vengeful, and more likely to just shoot whoever they most wanted dead. A lot of the things he’s done are kind of anti-town, but after re-reading them the thought process behind them makes sense (I just disagree with it)

townlean (possibly a misclear here)

orange - some of his early stuff was kind of :eyes:, but his frustration later in the day felt genuine. although ultimately I’m just going to read him based on whether he gets pelts

Squirrel - they’ve been poking and prodding in a way that feels very genuine/not fakesolvey, also liked a couple things about their EoD

Cattypaws - see my Iso on them, I don’t have good or strong reasons to call them town but I think they’re more likely to be town than not

Gtacc - ditto

nullpile (n.b. this doesn’t distinguish between people who just aren’t doing anything and people who I haven’t taken a close look at)


kind of wolfy

EricH - I’m not really a fan of how he was like ‘well if this elim is town then Arete is sus for starting it,’ even before they had flipped – it kind of felt like he had TMI that they were going to flip town and was trying to set up chain miselims

Kaylee - basically sheeping Orange’s case here, to be honest, I looked through it again during the night and it made sense to me

that’s … certainly a nightkill

not really sure what’s up with that kill? PR hunt gone wrong is about the only thing I can think of

is EricH generally regarded as a strong player?

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where is everyone

asleep probably


hi Laser

did you have any thoughts on the game?

I think scum saw this as a PR soft? Cuz I do


Any thoughts on Ari/Cheese/Bepwei?

TL;DR: scumlean on orange/ari/bep/myself, with post-flip suspicion at Arete
…none of these really seem like justified scum kill motives?


I haven’t had time to have a careful reading of a lot of the messages in the thread. A lot of the votes on D1 seemed random or didn’t have any strong evidence to support their claim.

I’ll take that

I’m confused because I was telling people “if I die put pressure on EricH” and they just got rid of him but at least we won’t repeat M13?

Doing stuff

What if erich was vigged and the scum kill was blocked

I’m inclined to agree with Arete that scum Vengeful is more likely to not claim and take somebody out, especially when being run up against a lowposter?