M16 Game Thread

depends. legaly, moraly, or cubely




and also what you go because i don’t totally know

Let’s go with me not trusting anybody–and I know that Orange knows how to power wolf really well. So in the back of my mind I have to consider: Is Orange powerwolfing, or is he actually reading people and then pocketing them well?

Orange, I’m going to go ahead and say that you don’t have to answer that…because it could very well be both!

I’d argue it’s way more likely to be both if I am scum unless you seriously suspect I’m w/w with one of them

Morally : no that is a burger
Cubely : either a cake or a sandwich, depends how many buns https://cuberule.com/
legaly ; * it does not constitue a meal if tables and or chairs are not provided (https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/lawguides/vol1/sutl/6359.html), it is , as far as I can tell a “hot prepared food product” as seen in REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE - RTC, DIVISION 2. OTHER TAXES [6001 - 61050], PART 1. SALES AND USE ,TAXES [6001 - 7176], CHAPTER 4. Exemptions [6351 - 6423], ARTICLE 1. General Exemptions [6351 - 6380], item 6359 7d( I think) https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=RTC&sectionNum=6359.
California law determines it as a “hamburger sandwich” for tax purposes so whatever that means to you https://law.justia.com/cases/california/supreme-court/2d/19/181.html

Fun sandwich fact
colorado considers a sandwich to be SINGLE SERVING ITEMS SUCH AS HAMBURGERS, HOT DOGS, FROZEN PIZZAS, BURRITOS, CHICKEN WINGS, ETC. Basically this is for the bars to be able to serve a “sandiwch” and be legal https://www.12news.com/article/opinion/talker/hot-dogs-are-officially-sandwiches-according-to-law-in-one-state/75-355476556.

aditional resource

*assuming you are in california



yeah this is a cd game


I probably spent way too much time on that

isn’t this “is he powerwolfing or powerwolfing”

correct me if im wrong

The second assumes that he’s Republic instead of Empire.

love how we have the most amount of replies in a game thread in ongoing games and highest like to post ratio


Finally got done with a calc quiz and reading all this thread
Honestly, i didn’t find too much happened which is frustrating as it took me a solid 20 minutes to read all until now but i have a few questions

What does OMGUS stand for and can we cut out all the acronyms? Its getting really confusing and if i am confused, i’m sure others are as well.

Also Eric, pardon the dumb question, what are the advantages you see to figuring out everybodies values when it comes to power roles?

happy new year Eric


Like for people like Ari and Squrriel, its been approximately a year since my last forum mafia game so i am rusty and don’t remember enough of the strats.

oh I missed this when I was reading it the first time

think this is super townie from Ari, I think scum would be way more focused on trying to optimize for a PR than for trying to punish people for choosing numbers not-in-the-spirit-of-the-game and I highly doubt he’s making that up

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It has done it’s purpose.

Also I do have something that I am working on, if it still makes sense in the morning I will post.

Also I would advise to stop talking directly about the draft, I am getting m14 flashbacks and not good ones. There are other ways to deduce the mafia here that have less negative consequences if they go sideways.


OMGUS = Oh My God “U” are Suspicious
I believe

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think this depends a lot on the player

disagree, Illu is literally just a slightly worse 1-shot vig on town and 1-shot vig > MD





ehhhh, depends on team comp


would flip these two, JK is kind of like a tracker that can also protect

needs more <<<

…okay full disclosure I mostly just quoted this so that I could ??? at Cheese putting Acop and Tracker on the same level