thank you squirrel and Brandon for pulling that off and not falling into my stupidity!
also voting somebody out in MyLo
You saw nothing
The Sith have awoken, the Squirrel is now the ruler of the Galaxy!
Catty, you did what you had to. CCing arete when he claimed cop would have been a bad move.
I guess you could have not claimed tracker, but it looked like you were probably gonna get voted anyway.
I almost suggested no elim just to build towncred, but then though “why the hell would I do that?”
Reminder that, per Mafia 451 policy, you may only give compliments, no feedback, until the player in question asks for it
obviously I am open to feedback
yeahhh it would have
I was kinda doing it out of self preservation and hoping that town would be stupid
don’t die
(this is a joke, not serious advice)
Oh. I forgot about that.
I mean
This is where a Deathproof comes in
most people in dead chat have already given ok’s for feedback
I’ll public it as soon as I figure out how
Working on making dead and empire chat public
I played super recklessly yesterday when I didnt need to…mostly out of boredom with the game cause it was super slow.
Luckily it didnt really cost us.
town really just kinda coasted to their deaths there yeah