M16 Game Thread

Seems very scummy to say but yeah at this point

Not much has changed

Quin is townread mostly for adding litten to chat same night litten was killed

Eric/brandn have been the most obviously solvey players this game; they should never get voted unless we’re in a 2 v 1 situation, and even then that’s a maybe

Laser is the clear PoE for tomorrow (either that or GKB depending on if who we vote today)

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No I am not, I do trust you guys for the most part. And did have a chance to read GKB end of day 2 and beginning of day 3 and I do agree it looks terrible.

Do you want to go ahead with the vote, or wait until later/EoD?

If squirrel is here and agrees then I do not see a reason to not do it now.

Ok. We can wait until he gets back in thread.


I’m back

We voting GKB, then?

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VOTE: goalkeeperboss

VOTE: GoalkeeperBoss

VOTE: GoalkeeperBoss



VOTE: goalkeeperboss

Didn’t see that we were voting now

Vote Count

GoalkeeperBoss (5): EricKline, Quin, Squirrel2412, Brandn03, laserlab

Not Voting (1): GoalkeeperBoss

Majority has been reached, @GoalkeeperBoss has been eliminated.
Please hold.

Day 7 has ended.

As GoalkeeperBoss was patrolling, a red lightsaber blade appeared. He swung his light towards the Sith Lord, but it was too late.

@GoalkeeperBoss has been eliminated!

Night 8 has started and will end 2021-01-13T17:00:00Z.




Uh well
The Empire submitted their kill early. There is no way for the Republic to win.

The Empire and the Separatist have won!

Darth Squirrel, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, sent Darth Brandon to find and destroy the Republic command center. As they had already destroyed all opposition, the Sith successfully destroyed the Republic base and took the Hypnos Shipyards back.

@Arete, Darth @Squirrel2412, Darth @Brandn03/Darth @TheFlash, and @cattypaws_f have won!

Dammit why couldn’t you people have killed Squirrel, that woulda been a fun story to write


gg everyone!

thanks to Squirrel and Brandon for managing to bring it home :orange_heart:


Sorry, @EricKline.


I really want @EricKline to stream his reaction to seeing this now.

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