IPicked you as the scumteam

idt ive ever played seriously with you in any game with us both town


you haven’t.

so why try to act like that’s how we’re playing now. seems dumb.

so there’s no real blueprint for me to pull

honestly i wanna do it for the memes

braindead crackhead weeaboo sociopath energy

I’m saying don’t make up a new blueprint because it will get caught

tbf you’ve never had braindead or sociopath energy so pls don’t start now

like you have innocent muffin energy as both alignments.

be an innocent muffin.

and let me eat you while half enjoying it but half fearing it.

ive honestly partially resigned this game already and just want to have some fun with a team configuration that we’ve both wanted for a while

fun is fine, fun is better than fine.

I’ve just seen scum you trying to have fun usually go poorly for you, and I wanna win.

but at the same time i do want to win its just that I don’t feel so much that I have much control over it. the crowd here is different. i can normally do my thing for two or three days and here i get caught midway through day 1 max.

@chesskid3 is the game’s economy limited to the ?700? chesskid bucks already in the game, or are there ways for more $ to be added to the economy?


the answer to that is no btw

u have a factional kill sorry for not making that clear

if you be an innocent muffin who is afraid of pretty much everyone, except you half enjoy me and half fear me then I think you won’t be caught d1.

innocent muffin energy. you’re afraid to be eaten but you really want to find friends but you don’t want your friends to eat all of you but you’ll take a few lumps of yourself off to give to friends if needed, as long as you remain largely intact.

also I have a sidegoal of trying to make chess cringe as many times as possible when he reads the scum chat.

uwu we could post wholesome memes