Help us get better at scumplay

3 to 5 days per in game day is where I’m comfortable playing nowadays.

No, it’s going to hurt a certain group of people regardless of alignment.

Less time for Elli to think could definitely help scum

You’re still missing the topic

Most games in mu had short post counts and not very much amount of posts and we usually random lynched

I think it would increase the scum win rate but I don’t think its a desirable way to do it.

I find that I don’t particularly care about your opinion, since it seems to be “If you have a life, we don’t want you playing mafia”.

100% this.

I think the main thing would be that people should try harder as scum? I think psychologically people are a lot more okay with losing.

You’re putting something in quotes that was never said or even alluded to.

Please tell me how else I’m supposed to interpret 48/24 DLs or, god forbid, 24/24 DLs.

Because all I can see is “6 hours a day or GTFO”

He’s not telling anyone to GTFO.
We’re just thinking about effects of deadlines on winrate.

Nah it’s literally just post however much you do, just deadlines and night phases happen more often.

The “GTFO” is implied in “Deadline is shorter, so you have to contribute more per day on average”

Scum can impact the game more near deadlines, it’s the middle area of the 72hr deadlines that tends to be where scum gets caught

Right. Go /in to several 48/24 games, spend an hour on them per game day, and tell me that your win rate doesn’t suffer.

You’re again quoting something that was never said.

The last game I played on MU had ds in it and we had like 2 afk players and mods were too slow to replace them out

Like you never have to play a 48/24 and he never has to play a a 1 week day game.

This is a silly argument.

I’ve played 48/24 hr phases most of the time that I’ve played mafia tbh.

And yeah it levels the playing field a bit