Heavenly Telepathy (Demonic Mafia Mason Board)

If your safeclaim is one of these three, I’d imagine your flavor text includes being a Grand Duke of Hell.

I was hoping to get an organic discussion with you Dan, but I’m lying in thread.

I’m actually blatantly lying because all powers are resolved at twilight and happen at night.

But since I read that there were no third parties in the OP and have been demonstrating that I’m the knowledge person I could argue that I was reaction testing all along, and it doesn’t matter if I’m really aligned with Andres or not.

(It really doesn’t matter and makes me look town.)

(You’re right that all powers activate at twilight, but not all powers happen at night).

DS thinks they have some great tell but I’m sitting here with a similar ““town”” PM and a town PM not unlike his so… Yeah, I know what his point is, but I’m not going to tell him that because his point is so matter-of-fact that it’s about as evident as breathing to me.

Srceenplay on the other hand seems to have HATED my comment on Andres. He isn’t saying that’s why, but that’s why, and he isn’t saying why because he wants the cover of DS’ tell.

Srceenplay is TMI.

Thank you Uno Fiver

I dunno how I missed this, but here’s why Srceenplay’s eggs have been baconed.

(meaning, he might be in contact with a DE or know something about them. I theorized that Satan may be an important role.)

I’m really pushing srceenplay to see if he’s TMI here.

“I can’t tell if people are playing the game or just bullshitting right now”

It’s both. At the same time!

I went to sleep at some point.

Also hard to read with all the DS/Derek back and forth

It’s one person bluffing to the other person

DS thinks “alignment” in place of “town” is privileged info and will fight anyone that believes otherwise to the death
Derek isn’t convinced that it’s privileged info
Derek is bluffing to DS about what questions they asked Clem, if any
DS is gonna look really dumb if either you or Rica flip

all of their posts are one of these.

worth saying:
derek liked all my relevant posts on the discussion and i’m mostly staying out of it, willing to tentatively townread DS. i consider him pocketed.

not relevant to anything above besides likes:
chesskid and andres are liking dan’s posts about getting other DE’s to communicate. this has become a trend.
chesskid/andres are either INCREDIBLY amused by my lie or INCREDIBLY not amused.

Still read srcreenplay as TMI. He didn’t miss my comment the first time around. I earned his vote for my post about Andres. He’s tunneled me since and seems to have been playing dumb about it.

If I’m wrong about this it’s srceenplay’s fault and not mine. It’s really obvious that all my posts in the game thread have been informed through knowing the town’s unnamed alignment, and the only thing townies could be arguing against me is my insistence than scum know their partners, something at least two other people have also said is almost definitely a thing, but I’m not being pressed on that.

It’s really DS being illiterate and thinking they have a tell, because they prepared their spiel wanting to catch scum. I’d call it coincidence except coincidence would still compliment DS: it’s worse than random chance because they aren’t randomly going after me, they have a set of parameters they are following, and they’re wrong due to loudness bias.

I am even. And a multiple of the same number. I have only one digit. And when shifted, become money. I am also the number of scum in this game, in the only scum faction. What am I?

Pretty easy one: 4

Lucifer might be town, then, assuming the DE that sent this has perfect game knowledge.

**What is so delicate that mentioning it breaks it? Say its name and it disappears.

This is a good one that Elli picked up on, Sounds of Silence. This suggests that I’m hearing something and the silence is being broken. It could also be its own lyric, though

What I hear is a lie, the only sound I hear from the divine, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

The rest of the text seems to be a request to make them a part of the game. Can’t make much sense of it beyond that.

Erika may no longer speak here.

If either of you guys want to activate your power, you can let me know here!

We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. We comprise the parts of these riddles, yet to figure out the one that answers us is not the point. Look within for the messages this divine being is trying to convey. What are we?



so i don’t think we need to kill anyone



quite likely that both divine entities are dedicated killers for their faction

not entirely sure of that but it would explain our defensive abilities as groupscum