[Game Thread] SFM1 - Puella Magi Forum★Mafia: Rebellion

3p is possible from the flavor but why not a new “neighbor” then? Unless it’s something like an odd-day cult leader…

the action works during the Night phase (reg=day). N1, he neighborized me. N2, he neighborized one of the masons.

I’m not sure who we’re gonna invite next, but I’m probably leaning towards maybe bananas or you.

Oof. Yeah, there’s legit too much confirmable power on town right now. Unless I assume that this game was reviewed by the Muppets, I have to believe that Chemist is scum.

I would not invite bananas. I’m not the worst choice… I might suggest Wisp.

Neighbors plus Masons

But I have a redcheck on him!!

If Chemist is scum, I want Squirrel in like every game ever going forward.

Nah. The host has made clear that false results are reasonably likely, and Wisp is one of the most behaviourally townie players in the game.

In claiming backup last night, bananas knew information that nobody should know, unless he’s telling the truth.

he claimed backup to a cheese-finder, and I am that cheese-finder.


I still don’t get the reference @Valerie


If you’re ascetic, could you claim it now/soon please?

If there is a cult in this game I would cry, and this game would so be heavily evil sided

I dont think there’s a full cult, my guess is that if there is a 3p, then chemist is just trying to get some number of people into his neighborhood, say half. Probably not a showstopper role.

there’s no wincon change.

Conversion is actually bastard though

also if there were conversion I doubt the culted people would claim they were in a neighborhood called “Cult chat”

If u think that quin/bepwei/Valerie/geyde and the masonry is all town, then the wolves are solely on gck or w/e hsi name was, and I don’t believe that

Three of these people I are in my ~5 of “I don’t know what these are”

U can’t honestly believe that Valerie can be a wolf? Geyde is back and fourth but I think he is behaviorly townie

Quin had a uncountered wagon for most of day 1, which pushes towards him being town, but it’s not confirmed and definitely not strong

Bepwei either claimed information he knows as a wolf for literally no reason, or he is exactly the town informed