[Game Thread] SFM1 - Puella Magi Forum★Mafia: Rebellion

The neighborhood was created by a neighborizer, it didn’t exist at SoG

I’m pretty confident from his actions that sqirrel/chemist is not scum.

But I actually did just remember something.
The OP of the chat says “You must bring glory to the cult!”

I was super confused, and I thought my alignment had changed, until he said he was a neighborizer. I confirmed, and my wincon has not changed. I asked him about it, and he said that he wasn’t sure, thought it was related to flavor, and knew it didn’t change wincons.

I’m bringing this up now, because while I’m confident that he’s not scum, he might be a third party related to that neighborhood.

A bastard game is one in which the mod lies to the players, or one in which the fun of the players is not maintained as a prioirity. A bastard role is a role that is particularly unfun or dishonest.

The framer role is one in which a player can make another player appear to be mafia when they are actually town (and the like).

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“Has ability to kill” or “has a gun”? And is your role worded as “check if someone has the ability to kill” specifically?

Still. A town neighborizer and a masonry AND an Innocent Child? That’s insane.

Also FWIW I don’t think we should clear Quin on mechanics, I played a game with a scum universal backup for town roles on another site and it was phrased such that they would become a version of their class modified if necessary to fit with being scum (Orange was actually in that game), so I don’t think the existence of an innocent child confirms Quin as town

As you can probably guess from the fact that I’m voting him I am not convinced we have a town neighborizer

Where was the innocent child? I missed it.



Possible, improbable

Not at this point in the game, no

specifically, it says that I can check “if your target has the ability to kill other players”

the redcheck message was originally “your target has the ability to kill”
then after people started asking about the bus driver, orange changed it to “nibio has the ability to kill”

Wisp is behaviourally lock-town…

I’m fully focusing in, I think.

Scum Uni BU is a better role design than Town Uni BU

Do you think it might be a 3p neighborizer?


I’m going to set up something to figure out Wisp’s role when I get home.

I also want to make a public info list since I am positive that scum will have done so already.

Ok I really read that wrong the first time. Why didn’t ici use that action??

Probably not, unless we have a really good reason to think Mist is 3p? 3ps are pretty rare in general.

they weren’t on at eod, I presume they didn’t think they would be on a main wagon.

That’s a really good question!!!

I mean, the title of the chat it “Cult chat”. He says it’s just flavor, but I know cult is a common 3p or multiball. It doesn’t act like a cult as I am used to, but it could have been a reskinned other 3p…