Dub Thee Game Thread

Define what this means for you.

Because lynching people that haven’t posted much at all when you’ve done the work of clearing most people that are active is not a policy lynch.

And I don’t see you offering any alternatives at all.

Like lynching lurkers and mostly null-reads over scum-reads, or am I misunderstanding what is happening here? Generally lynching people who do not really care or aren’t playing much are what I would call policy lynches, though I may be wrong.

Is there a reason we’re lynching someone like that over someone scummy? Again I can only really skim the thread until now because I just got home so if I missed something I can read back.

The order of events was me reading your comment, interpreting it differently than what you meant but still in a completely logical and “correct” interpretation based on your grammatical structure, you calling me dumb and telling me to reread, me saying I reread and restating my interpretation, you being unwilling to actually go back and realize that your sentences had problems that could possibly lead to multiple interpretations, and both of us calling each other dumb for 30 minutes. fun stuff.

it’s over now though
 I hope at least.

Okay but, who in your opinion is Scummy?

I mean sure, this is exactly what happened.

Now I know what @Ellibereth feels like

I just find the expectation that people will try to speak clearly and if something seems off that they’d go back and reread what they wrote or try to explain something instead of telling someone to reread the same poorly worded sentences 10 times and expect a different result.

over though.

To be honest chess/doggo seems somewhat scummy. Chess being worse than doggo mainly because of the ‘reaction’ to when what’shisface.

These two posts in particular seem role-fishy (for the first one) and forced as hell for the second. Though interactions I’ve seen with them and doggo tell me it’s a forced SvS or a TvS at the very least.

Just seems eh to me

Asking for clarification before jumping on people when you aren’t sure of what they meant would have avoided a lot of what just happened. Since, you know, it wasn’t meant for you in the first place.

Guys, knock it off. You’re not helping anything at this point.

I’ll get to Doggo’s side when I get comfortable after a shower and stuff since I stink from work, I is a smelly gal

Thoughts on those posts btw? Or are those generally NAI for chess, I can’t see how they are

yeah no, you don’t pal. For that you’d need to go into a thread, say your reads with zero justification and then never respond when someone tries to dig deeper or ask more questions. you’d have to feel so entitled that you’re allowed to sit in a thread, watch people do what they do, and make reads, but NEVER DARE to do anything that would let other player have any information to make reads back on you. you’d have to take everything in with never giving anything back. unless key is in the game and you then power synergize with her. but no key? fuck everyone else and don’t do anything.

i am a pillar of salt.


Doggo is not Scum. I think I can say that pretty confidently. And I’m not going back on that until I’m either Lynched or NK’ed.

Chess is, in my opinion, unlikely to be Scum. But, I could change my mind there if certain things happen.

Chess is 77.1% chance to be town.

(I made a math joke!)

I gotta say, this is pretty accurate hahaha

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But does that post regarding the NK not seem forced as heck?

I mean tbf elli is usually fairly easy to catch as mafia and is pretty high accuracy as town, so :woman_shrugging:

Whatever works

I mean it was a weird NK tho