Dub Thee Game Thread

Oh wow you’re so fucking pedantic.

You said:

  1. It’s not a claim. Unlike Andres, who believes it’s a fake claim.
    So I said:
  2. Well, why are you right in saying that it wasn’t a claim from Lenni at all, when you didn’t even wait for Lenni to do one of two things: either (i) confirm it wasn’t a claim or, (ii) confirm it was, in fact, a claim and go on to show that they are the Queen (or not)? In addition, I’m clearly not the only one who jumped to the conclusion that it was, in fact, a claim.

Clear enough for you?

I’m bashing you for bashing me and for implying that a real l-1 queen shouldn’t claim when they absolutely should.


Never did I even imply this at all.

regarding all of you 2, I HAVE been waiting for lenni to clarify, that’s why i’m still in this hell hole of a thread. but spoilers: they haven’t claimed to be queen. Yes I know chess was the one who jumped to the conclusion first, I just think a fair amount of what you’ve said is bs. read: above.

Being skeptical and asking for confirmation (which the Queen can obviously do since no one has been dubbed) is clearly NOT a comment on when the Queen should claim. That’s just idiotic.

Whether that be at L-1 or any other time. Which, by the way, they weren’t in.

lenni was in l-1? hammer say 5 voting, 6 not voting.

why the FUCK does hammer not include people who are in the game but haven’t posted? smh that is really bad website design.

Take it up with the people that created the site. My statement is still accurate.

And I STILL was not commenting on the strategic component of claiming at L-1.

the fact that we’re this long into the game without every player posting is really sad too.

I agree. Which is why we need to start lynching some of these lurkers.

you also have to realize that the noun ordering of you post is ambiguous af and you just yelling REREAD IT REREAD IT REREAD it instead of actually explaining what you meant is pretty sad.

is that a queen claim? --> I think it is. Which I actually think is nonsense. Should the real Queen even reveal here?

You think it’s a claim. Next sentence. Which you think is nonsense. This doesn’t specify if you think the claim is a fake claim or if you think it’s a poorly timed real claim, and this lack of a distinction is not helped by lack of proper nouns and the fact that your second sentence is a sentence fragment and not a real sentence. The next sentence then says real queen, but because the middle sentence is still vague, it is unsure in the third sentence if you think the real queen is the same as the claimer or different.

I am fine lynching some lurkers. would be nice if they would actually answer questions when asked but I guess that’s the beauty of being a lurker.

So your response to my ambiguous sentence is to bash me for something that, had you asked for clarification, you would have realized I wasn’t actually trying to do? Thanks. Very helpful.

Are we seriously doing PL’s here?

what are PL’s.

Policy lynches

I just find the expectation that people will speak in full sentences with proper pronouns and perfect English in a Mafia forum to be laughable. I’m sorry.