Dengeki Bunko UCanPick [TOWN + SURVIVOR WIN]


Because you told me to lol

Next time, donā€™t listen to me. Clearly I can get dramatic.

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Haha, Iā€™ll take that in note. I did indeed think you were towny, thatā€™s why I was trying to compramise on so many other lynches.

But some people didnā€™t want Nanook :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope we are both town next time. Seems like it would be fun

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Srceen continues to read me right every time btw. Itā€™s weird.

MS thanks for Modding. I always end up having fun in these games even if Iā€™m tearing my hair out at various points. Well played everyone.

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Haha, just reading through the Discord servers

@DS Howā€™d I become your new favourite player haha

Screen is a good player it seems.

Screen initiated the vote on nanook today

Also id appreciate a lot if someone says what could I do to not get lynched at first eod3

I was surprised that you put the lynch between you and DS. Becauseā€¦ the lynch was already between the 2 of you. Maybe if I were you, I would have put another player up against you instead. You know? Since before you did the gladiator thingā€¦ it was already between you and DS

Your attitude was hilarious to read lol I loved it, very obvious town you did a good job

Yeah that kinda locked the two of us into a town v town when I would have been fine going somewhere else

Aw thanks lol.

Oh and it is partially my fault that gtacc chose DS and them, I told him to lol. But it seemed like he was considering doing me and I just went NOPE lol

No. Once srceen made me untargetable I just wanted to put in enough effort to not get lynched.

I would have returned Not Mafia even without unlocking my powers tho. :expressionless: