Dengeki Bunko UCanPick [TOWN + SURVIVOR WIN]

If Both Andre and ActionDan knew.
Why did Metal send a specific message telling them.

You said that Andre coming out with it first was not alignment indicative.

In fact, if Dan were scum it’s more likely that MS would just be like “welp serves andres right for not checking his role pm”

and if andres is scum and actiondan town the mod sends it because 

(I’m reading along while waiting for the wedding to start. I’m sorry for sucking here.)

Which means there was something wrong yes?
And now ActionDan claims he knew.
So the problem was between Metal and Andre.
As you say why fix it if Andre was scum?

Andres is also not a mind reader pretty sure.

I am out for a while.

This is Bullshit, we have to lynch the one admitting he totaly lied to and mislead town.

Because MS legit thought that dan legit thought that andres was his mason buddy

But did he though? His language sounds like he knew it was a neighbourhood but thought andres town anyway

MS reacted to my use of the word masonry in thread (I think). I have no idea why he’d do that honestly and I personally believe he should not have said that because lo and behold, the reaction to it happened.

But being as it is there’s no reason to assume that MS said that to elucidate one of us and not the other. Neither of us afaik had expressed to him in our hood or privately that we absolutely and unequivocally knew that we weren’t masons.

It’d be weird that they didn’t care about the consistent use of masons throughout day 3 though?

andres indicated that you’d been the two of you masons throughout

Yes gambled and Andres followed with it. Unsure what you’re saying?

i’m confsued what prompted ms posting that if you’d been saying masons this whole time; your earlier post seemed to indicate that it was a clarification to you calling the neighborhood a masonry

I agree. I don’t understand why he came out with this now in our hood now and not before? It’s even closed now, so we couldn’t have even said “Ya we know” etc.

It doesn’t. It says that I’m an occasionally bulletproof 1-shot Vigilante. It says nothing about being a Mason. The way AD was using it is the same way I interpreted it - having all these abilities makes no sense if I can just be undercut by a Mafia player. Then I’m just the Town fool to be paraded around for laughs.

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idk what to do tonight or who to lynch rn


That’s my best guess only because in MS’s post in the hood, we said explicitly that ‘this is a neighborhood and not a masonry’ and as far as i know, I’m the only one of us that actually said “masonry”. I could be wrong though. Otherwise your guess is as good as mine as to what prompted that.

Are you freaking kidding me with this
even when I’m proven right, I’m somehow still the culprit. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: