Demonic Mafia Town Win!

Whatever. I’m the Leviathan. One time only during this game I’m allowed to activate my power during twilight and then the following day I cannot be Town Killed. If my power is activated and I DO become the leader for the TK then the person in second is killed that day.

Now, if you want to win then I suggest you all mass reveal. I’ll see you Day 3

Or I’ll be NKed. Really don’t care at this point

why did you claim you’re never getting tk’d anyway lol

since night was skipped we probably get knowledge on how flips work tmrw.

btw @Nanook

Does TK’d mean exclusively killed via lynch?

I use TK in place of lynch.


I’m still 90% sure erika was a hit zzzzz
partners not obvious

I can see the argument for xrosen - @xRosen do you still have no reads? Reasons don’t matter.

So, yes, TK means lynch in this game.

Because the correct move to do is for all of us to reveal. That’s literally what I’ve been saying this entire game

it doesn’t really matter that much zzz
we don’t need to reveal to kill scum and it might just be a distraction :man_shrugging:

like who are we never lynching today?

ufo/ds/tier for starters
not elwood/m2h at least because of god stuff

wheme, srceen, dan, xrosen

most confident out of that group that this is srceentown

@ActionDan where you at read wise?

oh btw
@xRosen, @UFOFever, @WhemeStar
if you click on the “i” in the header you can jump across events in the topic

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I think we massclaim tmrw depending on how enlightening flips are.
Don’t think its optimal now because there are so many town it probably just helps scum decide order.

Where the hell is this 180 coming from after yesterday?

I thought about it.

like massclaim matters less when most of the game is readable

given the poe and the skipped night I’m happy treating this as roleless today and just playing mafia :man_shrugging:

the only claims i’d be super interested in are wheme, rosen, and dan anyway.

I mean there’s a 99.99999999% chance the NK flip looks exactly like the TK flip