Demonic Mafia Town Win!

we probably shouldn’t ignore one of them saying that there is 4 scum in the game. Other than that yes, but also I want a prize if these riddles mean anything

Do we know their telling the truth

no but with mods starting to try more scum sided setups its likely.

If you iso me you’ll see me telling rosen why I think this is bad d1. For the most part if it takes more than a short sentence to say why you think someone is scum you’re prolly writing too much.

ah yes this is relevant to people new to the site

town has like an 80%+ winrate here so our setups have more or less been normalizing around 60/40 or 65/35 scumsided ish.

Clem does things by feel but I’d imagine this is a healthy chunk more scumsided than his usual.

@WhemeStar what changed about m2h and xrosen for you to move from the former to the latter after the skipped night.

ldk I didn’t iso Xrosen day 1

Would your decision change if you assumed erika town or assumed erika scum respectively?


Until they become lynchable or can vote or we know that they are affecting the game in some way yeah i think they are just a distraction

did I miss this?


Sorry was on phone accidently tapped the wrench

That’s cool but you’re not Wheme.

@WhemeStar which post pings you the most with Rosen?

All of them

My eyes have rolled all the way back into my skull and I am now blind

Why’s that

this conversation is pure

You’re pure