I’m an Ebil Black Cat.
Black or white, I love all cats! PurRrrrrrrrr
Yes, deadlines were too long. I’d appreciate if on this site, deadlines are maximum a week. We don’t have to follow mafiascum, we’re our own community!
Annoyed that I got vigged when it would’ve taken a couple days to lynch me—that’s just bad luck that the vig shot was in the wrong (for me) hands.
Annoyed that CABD subbed in and not only didn’t play, but made one of the worst fakeclaims I’ve ever seen for no apparent reason, and rightly was lynched for it.
Pleasantly surprised at how long cats survived—well played!
I really hope MS doesn’t actually grow warts.
I didn’t kill him, so, no, I won’t grow warts. Probably.
I mean, not of my own volition, is what I’d meant. Hope the wart fairy isn’t pedantic like that.
So you wanted parsec dead either way? I guess parsecs natural psychic sensitivity it a lot like that of a direwolf.
Thanks fferyllt, _fferyllt, and congratz to all players & subs and whatever oh-my-goodness-what-is-that-awful-thing cats just happened to rand… again.
yes you did, and someone is getting warts for this. I’m pretty sure.
Welp, he wasn’t wrong.
Games over!!
Thanks for the game mod. It was fun.
GJ town.
Agreed. You could have had town tricked for awhile
I… don’t know. I mean, she wasn’t able to be here a lot of day 1, mostly for being someone else for a while, but I thought Judge had the whole team pegged:
Oh I wanted to share this after the game!
Action Dan’s reply to me before the start of day 1 after I let him know he’d found a pretty bauble in his quarters:
"Guess I have the good luck of spawning with an important item that someone else needs and will kill me for.
Also guessing " The Pagh-Wraiths" are the bad guys in this game"
Let me get out my Ferengus translator. Urist?
Well…not sure I’d go that far…but I probably could’ve avoided being lynched for a bit.
2 weeks is pretty good avoiding the lynch for most games.
He said “certainly, my good sir!”