Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

I like Andres for Town, but you can be sure were I in his shoes I would have gotten clarity from the GM right away on this extra ability stuff. I think it speaks well that he communicated the “gain an ability” at all, and I don’t blame him if even now he wants to keep the cat half in the bag so to speak, but if he knew/knows it’s simply access to the Temple that’s the gained power then surely he would have said?
I guess it’s possible that since he’s newish, contacting the GM on such is not something that springs to mind, or something he’d think the GM would just volunteer and have said if they wanted him to know.

Well it’s at least good to know that if one is maybe sleepwalked multiple times one’s brainz doesn’t turn to mush.

What do you think a race investigation on pyx would solve?

I didn’t get a PM implying that I had gained an ability. Just telling me I had an orb and I would look into it later.

I didn’t get a PM implying that I had gained an ability. Just telling me I had an orb and I would look into it later.

Then what do you think of the claim that I was Orb searched by one claimed to be tasked as Town while knowing I had no Orb? And, wut!?! Do you think Andres has proven he is who he says? I would maybe doubt all that except Judge says she got the bauble bracelet back.

Huh? Andres just claimed orb-thief… and he definitely stole the orb from Josh. I don’t get what you’re saying. I also didn’t read fully cuz I’m at work so I might be missing something

Did your role PM speak about Orbs?


@Andresvmb did you analyze it??

@Urist why did you skip over my question re pyx ? …did you already say why before ?

That is the same flavor I got, that I would inspect the orb that evening.

Which q?

AllI know is there’s little question of what I’m getting fferyllt for Mabon this year - the absolute weirdest orb I can find.

Btw, @catspurr I didnt want to lynch Screen because of his initial fake claim of an innocent on you. I knew that was a joke. I legit thought he was scummy and I thought him claiming that he was essentially night immune was the perfect way for scum to explain still being alive as doctor. (he didn’t say he was 2 shots!!!). That along with MS “powerful” role, I thought for sure Screen was lying. So… you can kind of see why I’m onto Ms as well. But I dunno. Because he looks like he has towny confusion, so it’s hard to say.

Not really. If I disregard roles, I think his behaviour is the most scummy, after cats. I know that waffling is supposed to be NAI for him, but on d2 he seemed to be taking it to an extreme degree… perhaps to emulate his usual meta.

There’s also the issue where he thought Cabd was claiming some weird corpse-tracker thing… it kind of reads like scum theatre to me. Like he’s acting as if he is trying to understand the role by making up some nonsense. I don’t get why the idea of a weird corpse tracker would come to his mind when the other roles he had seen, such as VT, one-shot vig, and his own role of bodyguard, were perfectly normal.

this the hardest game i’ve ever played on mafia451

i think everyone can be town,

yet i think everyone can be scum

honestly, i think urist has the cheapest reason to be town… by defending me… ugh… i need to look past personal bias…