Some GMs are very creative, so I’d say yes, there are no doubt a few. But I had cabd as townish yesterday. Still, I have maybe a problem others have expressed, in having too many in my townish pile and not being very comfortable with my assessment of the ones who aren’t.
So you’re rather confident in both Urist and Andres? .
Urist, yes, Andres I don’t have a solid town read on.
I have issue with the quantity of fake claim, soft claims and “spewed town”. I’m TTing on cats but that doesn’t make me wrong; holding back to see what others come around to thinking about them.
You may not like that we’re at odds, and you may have too elevated a flirtyfish view of my prowess due to my natural kavorka, but I have cats and cabd as 2 of my towniest. There’s got to be baddies elsewhere.
ok, if so… Mantis, I want to be town but I am really not sure. Josh is starting to look verrrrry coasty, and I’m thinking if town are battling things out why not sit back as scum and just watch. I don’t like screenplay. I also don’t like MS but we do have an avatar issue between us on a personal level.
Ah ok.
Tracker is obv.
Watcher is possible, not super likely to exist in this setup but it would accomplish the same thing as tracker.
Role cop or voyeur would tell them whether MS has an action and they could just fake the track to muffins.
Or it could just be a total fabrication, who knows.
I backed off of Josh when they not only started contributing but also shared how busy they are in RL.
CABD also shared their RL interruption and I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
But since then he has been deliberately obtuse and ‘mysterious’ which now has him in my scum pile.
On the strength of the soft claim I backed off my vote on him and tries to put pressure on Metal Sonic.
But my vote can go back on CABD very very easy and soon if they don’t get their head out of their arse and talk straight forward simple language.