Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

So you see me as scum, and your vote is off me because

Because you are now interacting and answering questions and making points about the game.
It is better than the short posts you were making.

Even this question to me is better than the way you where playing.
People pushing me and finding me scummy is not scummy.

Except Nanook, who, as _fferyllt say, seems to push and pick fights just to be looking involved and active.

I voted Josh to get a reation from them.
They have started engaging.

You’ll keep, still plenty of time to hang your lilly white arse out to dry.

Or, that’s just, like, the way I play
and you fucking know it, because you’ve seen me play town before.

So you voted josh to get a reaction, got that reaction, seemingly liked that reaction
and your vote is still on him why?

For someone who is not suppose to have enough time to play you sure hang around like a bad smell.

Still 7 days to go, SEVEN days.
With you barking and nipping around like a very annoying dog.:roll_eyes:

So? If I;m scum, who are my scum mates?
Have you given us a list of your reads?

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no, feel free to explain it. but,

  1. i think if i thought someone was scum, i’d do more than talk about one relatively tiny aspect of their posts. you focused too much on that one aspect, even if it was (mostly) in response to other people. that’s why i called your fixation with it long and drawn out

  2. attacking a turn of phrase by itself is weak and when you’re making posts like the following, then you’re on incredibly shaky ground:

and i think you made a bigger deal out of it than was warranted when acting as though it was shocking that nobody else would think the way he phrased it was a bad thing:

this looks like an overblown reaction to something that wasn’t really a big deal at all, which contributed to me thinking the whole way you were approaching it was drawn out

don’t really care to discuss it anymore since i doubt anything you say about it now will change my mind about how i’m interpreting these posts

this is just how i viewed it

it’s one example of something i didn’t like about how you were approaching the game, i just chose that as the example to give because it stuck out to me the most when i was reading through

VOTE: cats

et tu Brutus?

What’s changed?

That doesn’t feel towny

It is a question for Nanook.:shrug:

I’m his number one scum, assuming he is not parking a vote as scum himself.
So who does he have on my scum team?

p sure i’ve said something like that as town before (when i think someone is using their suspicion of me as an excuse to avoid doing anything in a game)

(p sure i’ve also said something like that as scum before but point is i don’t think it’s that bad)

Eh. It felt off to me.

VOTE: nanock

better =/= townier


I think you might be onto something here. The push on Srceenplay does seem a bit overdone. From re-reading the conversation with Mantis, the outrage seems exaggerated there too. This in particular:

It’s funny, in the game that Nanook shared where he was Scum, he got called out for overreacting there as well (in that instance, to other players revealing their “cards”, which had an impact on a mechanic within the game):

So this could be Nanook playing to his Scum meta. It could also just be noise, and we could be wrong.

I tially agree Josh.
And I have not taken my vote off of you.

The only way town can recognise town is by talking to each other.
So when a players refuses to talk I see it as scummy.
Now that you are prepared to talk it give me and everyone else who does not know your alignment a chance to sus you out.

And of course there are scum who talk endlessly (nanook?) and town who don’t talk much at all.
I just believe it is easier for scum to hide when town are not talking.
So see talking as a slight town lean.

With many exceptions (in before the pedants start up.)
(Yes you Andre, I said naive, I meant more kinda pedantic, I guess?)
(people simply don’t say exactly what they mean everytime.)
(I rarely know what I am going to type before I type it.)


VOTE: Nanook