ok baxk to bayo2 ill read up later. I wasted too much time with chess.
if you get any $ make sure u send it to me so i can get my scumbuddy a free win thx
What would you answer m2h?
pawn to c3 or king to e2 to avoid losing momentum due to check
oh not sure if your answer is right but it does force me to move a pawn withmy bishop play which probably invalidates it.
that is word salad, basically i realized my play prob sux
i think black responds queen to a5 if you dont move king or a pawn
then you move queen, move king, or sac pawn to b4 which is bad play
i think you would rather avoid those things happening
pawn c3 seems p legit
i just know the answer has to be like a game winner damn near
I mean not explicitly but the chess lessons all take place d1 so they’ll be posted throughout the day
so I can just submit all 3 answers around eod?
remedials need time to procrastinate you know
Would strongly prefer u didnt
@action dañ i summon thee. If you are afraid of being exposed as a CHESSBABY just ask chess for some help with some chess problems. ur actually in the game.
welp guess I’m hated.
m2h u think urist got help or is town and just won with superior potato intellect?