CSS/Styling/UI updates, comments, and suggestions

True, BUT, if you change your mind and don’t respond will that be seen as scummy or editing your post?

Well, not by me. Too many possible reasons, many having nothing to do with mafia - phone call, text, SO talking to you, cat meowing to go out, spaghetti water boiling over…

I know, but, it could be used as a scum ploy.
Think of all the times there are arguments about ‘lurkers’ because you are logged on but not posting.

I thought those paranoias were ancient history by now. Lots of us leave the game open on a desktop or tablet while running around the house doing stuff and just occasionally taking a look.

ETA: I am a member of several forums, and have several open at once but may only be reading one of them.

I know, but that is why on most threads nowadays I have my presence turned off and we can do it here as well.

It’s not always parnoid, it can be scum trying to creat wifom.

Maybe. Personally I never pay much attention to whether someone shows as online or not. It’s, imo, a very inefficient method of influencing a game and therefore ignorable. But others may feel differently.

I don’t see an issue with this as long as being able to go invisible like you can with your online status is an option.

The edit recorder is a bit problematic for mafia. It records edits made before posting, which means if you so much as add a word you missed or fix spelling before posting it shows as you having edited your post.

That means we are less likely to notice whether a post was edited after being posted to the thread.

Pretty sure this isn’t true. Where do you see this behavior?

Ah I checked your history so I see what you’re talking about.
I shows up as “edited once” in all posts with images because we store the images locally to help with load time.

I don’t think it’s a big deal for mafia since player’s aren’t suppose to purposefully edit and all records are public.

I just saw it in one of my recent posts. Lemme just see if I can replicate it.

Yeah this is known and we don’t think it’s a large problem.

If a player gets caught maliciously editing just once they’d be in a lot of trouble!

There you go. Unless the orange edit icon is only visible to the poster.


The simplest way I can find to remove the system edit from showing up would involve having player-made edits not be public for a very short (10 secondish?) time period. I think it’s better to just have all edits out in the open from 0 seconds.

There’s probably a more involved way to do it in the code (not having system edits appear in general) but I think it’ll be relatively low on our priority list given the time vs. QOL improvement ratio.

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If we know the edit only shows when a pic is posted, then the one edit icon with one pic posted will cancel each other out. If one pic is showing but more than 1 edit is showing then we know an edit was made.

Or an edit showing and no pic,


Mobile ui for the toolbar should be fixed up to ordering, we can discuss here with others where the best place to put the vote/unvote buttons are.


Try refreshing your page? The toolbar should look like this on desktop now:

Whoa. Now it does. :smiley:

Vote tags should be next to bold and italics tags cos vote will be used frequently if not more often than them

The underline tag is gone
