Compromise R8

@seththeking thoughts?

off-topic, but this mode reminds me of one night ultimate werewolf. have either of you played that? its pretty fun imo

heard of it through my various searches on Wikipedia

only “variation” mafia I’ve played are ToS, Quantum, and whatever you call the thing orange is holding on this site

i’d recommend checking it out if you get the chance. the base game can be really fun with as few as 3-4 people, or quite a few more than that.

where can I find one

i’ve seen it at various games stores and places like barnes & noble

i wonder if it would be any fun to play/run on a site like this

oh I thought you meant on forums lol

sadly its a phyiscal game. though now im tempted to try to run it on this site, although i don’t know if that would be a good idea

I mean it would with a good enough group of people

But it kinda dies unless everyone is there at the same time, which is kinda hard to do on websites

true, maybe with really short days and people coordinating times well? idk tho

going to be hard

what I am interested in is holding a game of quantum

what’s quantam?

also, im still tempted at the idea of trying to run it. i think it could work in a forum setting, but i have no idea

vanilla except nobody knows their role for certain, so you end up with people that are like 40% dead

oh wow that sounds interesting

a committed group should work

do you think it would be worth it for me to try?


I would be down if it’s held on the weekends

i’ll try drafting something up. from what i’ve seen of the dynamics of this site, it would be pretty interesting to watch who targets who

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