Compromise (3p), Rolling Signups

Thanks for stopping by!
We were just talking about maybe setting up video mafia sessions for this.

Yeah I’ve thought about this some and the possibility of the jester is so low that it doesn’t make "kill the leader’ not best. Excited to hear what you come up with.

In next

Ran a few rounds of this the other day with some discord friends, it worked very well as a turbo game. Really fun design!


is this full or no? @Ellibereth

lost track

I thin @GTacc and @DS are playing.
Need one more


I’ll play a round @Ellibereth

can it be the original one also

sure, I’ll set it up asap

I would like to play another round.

Preferably where the game doesn’t start with a self vote.

I’m in

I will get it right i promise


1 more


R u ready to compromise