Brass & Shrapnel Mafia - Game Over!


You’re still townreading him after these?
Please don’t say you are.


You don’t mention brass at all. :frowning:

it’s probably not much of a bet. you’re most likely doing this as a tactic, not because you genuinely think it’s a good thing to do

if you think brass is scum, you should be trying to get him lynched instead of this “lynch me and let me decide” crap (though it looks like in your most recent post, you’ve at least started trying to do that, i’d be more willing to believe it was coming from a town mindset if it didn’t happen AFTER i started berating you for it)

waving your super-saint claim around and acting like you’re fine being lynched is not endearing (even apart from the fact that it literally makes no sense over pushing your actual scum read) and if you think that’s going to scare me off or make me doubt myself, you clearly know nothing about me

it makes some sense, it makes the chance scum shoots the bomb n1 that much higher

those posts are bad. they aren’t really scum-bad, though

not really. i’m not even paying close attention to the claims going on, but this might have made sense if you’d done what you’re doing BEFORE all the claims had been thrown out on the table



bad but not scum bad is bs lmao.

bad as in a dumb thing to say

you’re telling me you’ve never tunneled a town player and seen them respond like that?

I don’t tunnel town.

oh right. i keep thinking it’s possible that you could get something wrong once in a while - my bad

doesn’t change the fact that those posts aren’t scum-indicative, imo

what posts from brass made you think he was scum initially?

Brass is null for me right now. I know you see him scum, but I’m not sure why you see him scum beyond it being a gut or meta read. Which is pretty much fine, but not super helpful to me without knowing how accurate your gut usually is!

Ugh I was looking forward to playing this game in full but instead I’ve fallen behind and weekend.

I think I’ll sheep Elli here.


So to recap, you don’t have time to play so you’re jumping on the biggest wagon, and it doesn’t strike you as odd at all that one of the voters for Elli is Elli himself. Does that sound accurate?

thats a p awful recap

hey @_fferyllt muffins im glad we arrived at the same conclusion can we just do it already

What makes you think I’m scum?

i drank

and i thought about it

and i drank some more

and then i realised nope, his explanation for doing what he’s doing sucks


if that was hammer, so be it

Ok. So correct me then!

Try reading the rest of the post you’re quoting. I didn’t think you were scum necessarily, but at the time I was willing to lynch you on the basis of you not having a single post in the thread yet and there not being any traction to lynch my top scumread.

brass is less townie now yes


he is asking to be lynched

i don’t care if its a scum gambit, its worth trading 1:1…

why u bein a DICK about it BOI