Bird Flavoured Mafia


No clue about we won post

Well we know we do unhealthy things in our life but we do them anyway
But I’d also lile to see the solve elli

How about you read my posts.

You’ll find your answer! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Isn’t it obvious?
Me and Grandpa are hard bussing each other!
(LOOOOOL) :crazy_face: :clap:

r.e. the friendly stuff:

  1. I don’t think saying that dunning-kruger applies to someone isn’t not in the purview of #friendly
  2. Actually I think the only questionable thing I said was “stop signing up for games if you believe this” and I addressed that earlier.
  3. We don’t modkill people for not being friendly, generally we chat with them in private.
  4. You’re correct that acting would be equally warned as not acting.
  5. Clearly we need better definitions/figure out what friendly actually means, we can work them out after the game or somewhere else during the game.

Thought this was more urgent, i’m working atm so other stuff later.

Your turn!
If not Elli, who’s my scum buddy?

If you say that your my scum buddy.
You are CORRECT!

I think I’m HIGH!

Seth, did you visit Adiart’s Alchemist again?

Can’t tell if Seth is gamethrowing

Actually probably most people would think me. Or Andres maybe since he keeps tiptoeing around you. I think Ellis flip will say a lot about a number of people

I’m Town just being a bitch! :rofl:

This before or after I did the “we win!” Thing?


So I specifically asked townies to act more town, and then Seth went off and did the opposite.

VOTE: Seth

Also willing to vote Elli today as well, really wish I could vote twice.

I’m Town though.

It would be better for you to be a locktown doing diddily squat than for you to be a suspicious town.

I’m doing something.
I’m pushing who I believe is scum.
And not really caring that much about this game.
:slight_smile: :smiley: