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It’s not.

Is creating Fake Mod PMs banned?

Okay, I don’t understand what all the kerfuffle is about then.

you can’t quote or pretend to quote private mod communications

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:sovietparrot: Double standard

To clarify, I can only quote real mod communication right?


No you can’t quote any.

If a player or set of players has to be modkilled for breaking game integrity, such as confirming eachother as Vanilla Town in a closed setup where a VT card isn’t provided to the Mafia, but by doing so would cause their faction to lose, what happens here?

I think if that happens, you get to experience the full wrath of Ellibereth.

They wouldn’t be modkilled in that situation, we’d laugh at how the host screwed up and move on.

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Suppose then some scenario where a modkill would be required because game integrity was broken, such as a player in the group of hosts releasing their role PM to the public in lylo. Other than them being immediately banned from the website, what would happen to the now losing team?

Nothing would happen.

I have created a thread specifically for this purpose.

This site is like communist Russia, if you ask too many questions, you will be sent to northern Siberia

This site is like Russia,

No it isn’t.

That’s what mods are for

in this case it’s also explicitly allowed to misquote other players

Did someone actually do this and get away with it?

¿donde esta el i modal¿