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A bunch of css adjustments/ui components aren’t on the test theme because I’m irresponsible and just using it to mess with banners atm.

Yeah we can probably do that. The toolbar is suprisingly buggy to work with because it and the bbcode are separate nonofficial plugins added to discourse that you have to watch out for conflicts between. Highly likely I’m going to be lazy and move this to December too. (I’ll put a list of all the things I said we’d do in Dec in the news topic before I go).

I lied, just did it.

It’s cool, now that I know it works I can do it manually. I think I had a capital letter in the color name first time I tried which threw it off

I lied, it’s on mobile now.

Is it tho

Oh it is on light theme

Now dark theme as well, huzzah

green text is for chumps

So we’ve been doing games that arent necessarily mafia - and ive just been putting them in Forum Games category. Could we get an Active signups version of Forum Games? or is that too much clutter

Yeah we can have that.

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It’s live - using tags instead of more subcats for org (need to clean those up mafia-side).

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Should we auto-merge consecutive posts that are not replies that are posted in a super close neighborhood to each other.

No thanks


I like breaking my thoughts up into different posts.

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Yup won’t be adding it.

Right now there’s a cap on 12 consecutive posts in a row.
I think that’s…very reasonable.



What the heck is this site?

How did you all get here?

Why are you choosing to use Discourse for FM?

I have many questions, as my community is currently in the process of jumping ship from a Discourse community right now.

Also hi Elli



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Is this like a group of MS people or what lmao

Oh hi RedFlavor lol

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