Ancient Egypt Mafia

I’m big loyal


Big also

The fact that I didnt know how does pharaoh work and each loyal scientist had 1 attribute lol


@Andresvmb @DS action solve pls

What exactly are you trying to narrow down? If the executions will happen when the thread is open? If they’re not submitted in advance, I suppose we can influence them as they happen?

I’m also a Loyal, but you knew that already.

The way to break the game open is to simply create a loop between the Bus Driver claims, and have the Pharaoh decide who should die. If you aren’t told to pick between the two, then one of them is lying and the Pharaoh would know who since they would know who they shot first. Obviously the Body Guard stands in the way of any possible redirection towards the Pharaoh, and the Deflector would deflect any shots back towards the loop.

Wait, that’s not how it works. Never mind haha

Gtacc scumslipped so I need an action plan that let’s me execute him.

Make it loyal minion



Can the deflector explain how his role works? Does the shot have to go to them?

If they get shot, they redirect onto someone else? Is that it?

Also, can you explain the Scum Slip? I still don’t get it.

Anyway, I’m the Bus Driver. As is GTacc of course.

So DS is the Deflector.

Tier always acts as Bodyguard to the Pharaoh, so if we get anything wrong Tier just dies here haha

In fact, I think the first kill is always Tier. I think it’s almost unavoidable. I also think that by mass claiming, we’ve lost the game.

Here it is

I don’t think we’ve lost by mass claiming? We know who is scum!

Although we didnt have to because we know who is scum so we coulda left it at deflector does XYZ