A Normal Mafia Game


The way I understood it at first was “this is a list of possible roles in the game”, what I’m understanding now is “these roles ARE in the game”, is it confirmed that all those roles exist, AND no other role can exist?

What’s the point of a normal cop if every role in the game is actually normal? Role doesn’t indicate alignment except for in the case of mason or godfather, so claim space doesn’t matter

It’s unlikely there are 2 normal cops for example.

What’s more likely to you? 2 normal cops, or 2-3 separate pairs of masons?

If we eliminate all 4 mason claims, I guarantee you that at least 2 of those are not flipping mason

Also I did not realize how often I use the l word until playing this game

6 minutes left, so it won’t matter right now

For day 2 tho

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Votecount as of post #247

JakeTheWolfie (8): Urist, GTacc, Ellibereth, chesskid3, Srceenplay, StarV, proto, Kiymali_Pide
proto (2): GTacc, JakeTheWolfie
chesskid3 (2): DoggoPlays, JakeTheWolfie
Kiymali_Pide (2): JakeTheWolfie, BananaCucho
GTacc (1): BananaCucho
Ellibereth (1): BananaCucho
DoggoPlays (1): BananaCucho

Not Voting (2): Andresvmb, naz

@JakeTheWolfie has died, and reveals to be…mafia!

The Alien:

Each Night, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, all actions used by that player that Night, and all other actions targeted at that player that Night, will be blocked. This is normal.

In addition, you are a Godfather:

If scum, returns the same check as a VT. This is normal.

There will be one NK tonight

Tonight will last a normal length, unless relevant parties get their actions in quickly, in which case it will be a fast night, as is normal!


@Ellibereth has been killed in the night. This is normal. He was a normal cop:

Target a player every night. You determine if their role is normal or not. This is normal

You win by killing all the mafia.

D2 will end when one or more players receive 9 votes or by 2020-08-06T22:00:00Z


You have five (5) votes to make today. If a player receives 9 that will end the day early. Otherwise the player(s) with the most votes will die at EOD.

Guys lets circlejerk

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VOTE: Doggo

reset vc pls

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so elli was glorfied VT ? just a meme role ? nj

VOTE: chesskid3


there might as well not even be multivoting here, it makes 0 sense in a normal game

do you dislike my vote or what

VOTE: doggoplays
VOTE: Urist