A Mostly Normal Game - Deep South Mafia - Town Victory

its okay im just meming pretty sure games over

because if there is only one cop its chess because cop!you is never going to counter claim vt!chess who is providing you cover. The only way you cc is if you are the vt or you are another cop.

nah i might cc there to garuantee the protect

its a game of wifom chicken with scum of where they want to bet a potential protection is at imo so all permutations possible

that i lost here feelsbadman

actually the shot super makes sense with DS scum anyway given how he thought about this: Choose Your Own Adventure - OVER

so yeah, maybe in this particular game the claim was just a misplay and sitting and doing nothing would have saved chessy.

we live and learn.

btw on the off chance that the game isn’t over i’m pretty sure m2h is just town at this point and someone else is playing a really good game - should probably mclaim tmrw.

I mean if it’s not Andres/M2 it’s probably screen

VOTE: Andresvmb

I’m fine doing it this way

M2’s honest to a fault even when they make 0 sense atm they’re just town.

absolute worst case i think we need 4 locktown to win? so me/clem/star/tier already suffices.

Hahaha I’m pretty sure M2H doesn’t appreciate your condescension.

I don’t know that I have Star as Lock Town. Everyone else makes sense to me.

No I get it, but if it prevents town from losing then im fine with it lol.

Is mass claim going to accomplish anything?

dont think mass claims help in a closed setup tbh

I would assume everyone is vt except for a scum with a gated Pr

I mean you can reasonably figure out which roles are fake or not when they’re claimed.

Unless we are looking for more than one scum but I doubt it.

Everyone claims vt.

That was helpful

eh I think there’ll be one more town pr. If another pr claimed i’d believe them.