A Mostly Normal Game - Deep South Mafia - Town Victory

so yeah, maybe in this particular game the claim was just a misplay and sitting and doing nothing would have saved chessy.

we live and learn.

btw on the off chance that the game isnā€™t over iā€™m pretty sure m2h is just town at this point and someone else is playing a really good game - should probably mclaim tmrw.

I mean if itā€™s not Andres/M2 itā€™s probably screen

VOTE: Andresvmb

Iā€™m fine doing it this way

M2ā€™s honest to a fault even when they make 0 sense atm theyā€™re just town.

absolute worst case i think we need 4 locktown to win? so me/clem/star/tier already suffices.

Hahaha Iā€™m pretty sure M2H doesnā€™t appreciate your condescension.

I donā€™t know that I have Star as Lock Town. Everyone else makes sense to me.

No I get it, but if it prevents town from losing then im fine with it lol.

Is mass claim going to accomplish anything?

dont think mass claims help in a closed setup tbh

I would assume everyone is vt except for a scum with a gated Pr

I mean you can reasonably figure out which roles are fake or not when theyā€™re claimed.

Unless we are looking for more than one scum but I doubt it.

Everyone claims vt.

That was helpful

eh I think thereā€™ll be one more town pr. If another pr claimed iā€™d believe them.

So is this a bad time to tell you not to lynch me, as Iā€™m a 1-Shot Cop?

Kidding. I actually donā€™t think thereā€™s another PR but weā€™ll see.

cop is a shitty role anyway 1-shot or not


unless heā€™s trolling with a godfather which I still firmly think is bastard (along with miller and all fake result shit) but a topic for another day

I mean, this doesnā€™t win yet so I would try and narrow down who I really trust in this game.

Though why am I talking to you I still think youā€™re the Scum soā€¦

i mean im not against massclaim i just dont think it helps much bc we donā€™t know what roles exist.