A Mostly Normal Game - Deep South Mafia - Town Victory

you know i used to think 1-2 week deadlines weren’t forever
the thought

Is this a “dance monkey dance” request? Because if so I’m not indulging you. You can ask me specific questions about my play and I can answer them, but just asking me to come up with a post just because you think I should isn’t happening.

what play lol

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I already said that since Elli is convinced I’m among the POE, I will let myself fall on the sword until we either hit Scum or all die and see what happens. I am not “giving up”, but if people want to sheep him every time and not play their own game it’s fine by me.

why wouldn’t you want to dance :thinking:
M2H danced and it swung my opinion on them

I tend to agree it’s the way of the site though.

i actually get hard sheeped less here than other places xD

When Scum implodes, do you really expect me to come out and do this complex analysis of the game? DS was very obviously lying about their role, so there wasn’t much to contribute right then and there. I thought you guys did fine pushing him to the point where he felt that was necessary, but you didn’t need my help. Not that I would have made much of a difference anyway.

Here, the play is to lynch anyone and everyone that didn’t push DS early. I know that includes me, which is why I’m not flaming you for the strategy. But you clearing M2H like that is way off for me. I would have said all the same things if I’m in that position. “Oh, I wasn’t sure, and I doubted myself.” Yeah of course you’re going to say that. What else is M2H going to say? No I knew he was Scum but was holding off see if he could get himself out of the pickle? Give me a break.

@M2H you ignored this earlier.
Andres answer this one too.

Pleading for me to enter the game is NAI. A DS under pressure as both alignments would try to get players that are outside of the action in and try and convince them that he’s not it.

If I’m the Scum, I shoot you. I was actually pretty convinced that you were the “1-Shot Cop”. So shooting Chess here after supposedly figuring out he was the Cop is beyond my capabilities. And that’s the truth. In my opinion, you were both probably cleared if DS flipped Scum anyway so I would have gone for the player less likely to get it right. I don’t need to finish that thought right?

More likely*

Yeah, I think you’re wrong Elli

Savage but fair

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I’m the first vote. Everyone is sheeping me

Chess was the one who caught DS and was the cleanest so it makes perfect sense that he dies. The claim retract was silly tbh. Ig that you were providing cover but if chess was the one providing cover you would never have claimed.

If there is one cop, it’s chess not you. If there are multiple cops, hitting chess is just as good as hitting you.

would you kill me or chess

can i answer or do you know my answer already?

chess sheeped me on ds

Everyone sheeped me on DS :woman_shrugging: