11p Arsonists (1, 7)

D2 ends 2019-09-13T19:00:00Z



10 Alive, 6 is Majority


I fucking told you guys not to be stupid.

Mostly caught up. My kill pool today is gtacc Star and KTS. I basically refuse to kill anyone else today, seems extremely likely that thereā€™s at least one scum in there. Also willing to consider Dan I guess, but tbh he seems town by tone in that EOD, so much more interested in that disgusting flash wagon.

I think it may be kill

Or star maybe josh

And ffs weā€™re not killing in the town core any more. Me, Josh, Andres, M2, Dusk are all 100% off the table today.

Iā€™m aware we need one more in that core but the POE needs to be narrowed a bit before we can find it.

Are you sure Josh is good?

VOTE: Killthestory

Sure enough to put him in the town core obviously.

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The thing with KTS is, Iā€™m willing to accept from him that he cares more about associatives off a kill than killing scum early, but when he says flipping josh helps him solve the game in a way DS doesnā€™t, then kills ds insteadā€¦

Thatā€™s a red flag imo.

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VOTE: Killthestory


VOTE: Josh

I guess I forgot to actually vote. VOTE: KTS

Get sleep kiddos exhaustion will rot your brain.

Kiru-sama are you mafia

Hey, GTacc, we share the same PoE. Strange that.

I forgot ActionFan I also susprct him

Josh doesnā€™t, so I take that as ActionDan is town, unless Josh is scum, but I donā€™t know that they cross bus so hard day 1, so ActionDan is town

@Josh I know youā€™re checked out but should I be blindly sheeping your dan read or is it not at that level?

I wrote a mini wall sunday night when i had time idk if i wanna post

I dont wolf read dan though much

If you post it Iā€™ll do the heavy lifting