Webcomic Mafia!

bad vote on chesskid

This is a very str8 take

i take my like on elliā€™s post 8ack i think VI was correct

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Give DS post a like to offset

did you choose stonetoss

idg why you think im an idiot but fine.

Iā€™d rather die but thanks! :::: )

also vizzy i was literally thinking the same thing

I did not but that would have been good

the sample role pms have roles affected 8y the gay passive so it should 8e kind of clear that the answer is that it does have an impact on the game? 3rd/4th parties 8c of that modifier is definitely overthinking something thats fairly simple

just write out the 3p assumption argument for the benefit of the thread zzzz

It also doesnā€™t auto apply since you have little (no?) knowledge of their background so you canā€™t get anywhere on it without a convo with them.

Iā€™m coding stuff right now have fun.

I didnā€™t see those



i was just skimming this thread like i do most games and forgot i was supposed to actually be reading people


The main thought is going straight to assuming other wincons or factions is a huge tell that a scumteam doesnā€™t have as many players on it as you would expect.

Leading scum to both expect and search for that additional faction or 3p and also publically speculate about it, while trying to seem like they are scumhunting.

This is what I think m2h has been caught doing.

yeah i figured thatā€™s where you were going with this when you were pinging Elli 8ut I wanted to see how he explained himself after I called it overthinking :::: (

:parrot: we shall see

No one complained about my vote on a certain someone.

I feel tragically left out.

ā€œYou donā€™t get out much, do you? See, Iā€™ve traveled the galaxy, and they sell guns out there that would amaze and astound you. Of course, by ā€˜amazeā€™ I mean ā€˜maim,ā€™ and by ā€˜astoundā€™ I mean 'render you indistinguishable from the remains of the ground you were standing on.ā€ Schlock

F :pensive emoji with 8 eyes:

You know for a gay spider8oi you seem ok

Maybe if I reached that thought on my own but you were meming yourself as a 3p that needed to kill all the gays and then I realized based on flavor and the gay passive that that actually makes a lot of sense.