US Politics Mafia [Over]

Claiming is probably not great/meaningless unless ds has something provable

i was inactive and forgot to preform one

bad lead for someone who was clearly inactive for a bit

Yeah leave ds alone clearly he forgot to switch accounts to send his night action in

Yeah sorry

Your DS?

The longer Seth isnā€™t hammered the more I think heā€™s actually scum

Dude Iā€™m asking about legislation why you trying to end day

I figured you wouldā€™ve proposed something by now if you were going to.

Why are you stalling the day without proposing anything?

You even voting me?

Wait yes you are.
What makes me question is why TF Sloon hasnā€™t Hammered me yet.

I mean you know I wanted to check with other people on the jail target - I said it in pt and in the topic. Now Iā€™m just waiting on chess.

because theyā€™re already voting you

I donā€™t think that was as clear as you thought it was but ok


I wasnā€™t intentionally asking thin air, itā€™s just that nobody responded


VOTE: Seth

Hammer is scum claim

(Hammer before legislation passed)

No other legislation can be passed today.

Oh why

The senate can only pass legislation brought before the last 24 hours of a day.