Upperclass Twit of the Year Mafia [Game over, town win!]

I was literally staring at my post in confusion wondering what he’s talking about. I’m assuming because I said I was wondering …? instead of I wondered… ?? It’s kind of amusing yet baffling that he’s calling me out for that >.<

What (I think) he’s saying is that… after Elli voted MS, MS didn’t call him out for misreading him. If MS were town he might be offended or vote Elli for reading him as scum, and not town.

Maybe an English Major? :roll_eyes:

I’m fucking busy at work so not sure if dumb Q but I’m having parsing problem. can you pls spell out?

Maybe. But isn’t it an odd thing to call out? >.>

I’ll actually be highly likely alive tomorrow so I’ll answer then if relevant.

forget about my Q, chesskid, elli’s answered it for me

COMMA needed! /anal retentive

It reminds me of someone elses style of play but I can’t remember who.
No one on MR or the usual suspects.
But there was a player who did challenge the wording of things.
Was it ? Um actually he was on MR, the Reggae guy who studied psychotherapy???
Not sure that it was him, but yeah, have known players who pick up on language a lot.

Starts with a T… ?

But, I had no problem voting for Kat… how do you explain that?
That and there is nothing wrong with working with other town to come to a consensus on something anyway.

Requeim, is he the one I am thinking of?


Oh ya, Requiem. I thought you meant the other guy who reminded me of Requiem a bit. TestyCalibrate!

You have played with Requeim Elli?

No I spent a while reading very game on your forum.

You really live and breath Mafia don’t you?

I think Mantis is think of Aden


I’m slightly concerned you don’t see it.
Did you spend more than 0 seconds reading my post.

No, I know Aden, he’s Deadlokd.

Nah, I just do what I consider to be basic research. It only seems like a lot because most people do no research. :stuck_out_tongue: