Ultimate Strategy Scum Chat

they seem like a competent player, also if we yak them then it opens up someone else to claim ret

wait nvm they would just claim ret

wait so someone got shot in the middle of a town meeting and we dont know who dun it

what kinda bullflummery

alright heres the plan folks for every contingency:

i have claimed ret
scarlet is ret

Situation 1. scarlet counter-claim me as ret

a: I am lynched -> yak scarlet cuz she is now confirmed town
b: scarlet is lynched -> fuck
c: someone else is lynched -> yak scarlet and then lynch her or me, then the otherā€™s confirmed town

Situation 2. scarlet does not counter claim

a: i am lynched -> yak scarlet and then have her claim ret
b: somebody else is lynched -> yak scarlet and then thereā€™s no ret counter-claim

basically: if scarlet is alive at the end of today, yak her, got it folks?

(hi scarlet)

Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.

ok im softclaiming survivor

Your CCing Jackson?

Didnā€™t you already claim Bleeder?

bruh youā€™re modding the game why are you posting about my strategy

be impartial

just reminding you of claims. I do that on my discord server so eh.

funny enough on the very first game on my discord server someone claimed Survivor so I reminded everyone of their claim and they let them live despite having a role that is impossible for the Rolelist. Like LOL he just kept claiming Survivor even though it was impossible. He was NE that won with NK.

alright guys vote me

because iā€™m goin down

and you donā€™t wanna be counted as the guys who didnt vote me

then yak scarlet

also, hi scarlet


vote me ya fools

Iā€™ll let PU and chess vote first. Iā€™m dying tonight anyways.

Well i was never here for this role callā€¦also we gonna yak Scarlett?

yes yak scarlet thatā€™s the whole plan

Yak Scarlet

My time has come.


@chesskid3just a quick question. How do I add players to this chat?

1st post

there should be a ā€˜Add or Removeā€™ at the bottom
