The Electoral College PT

Like think about it, if you use espionage (I’m just assuming we all have the same stuff at this point) on N1 after scum have had a chance to try and figure out who their partner/s is/are, isn’t that much more useful?


@Key @Ellibereth. Star said if u both vote the positive thing that wins over the one I’m already locked to voting for

Maybe that’s better considering 2nd place gets elected

The way I read it I have the option of electing 2nd place instead, yeah?

It’s a fail safe in case andres doesn’t go, cause you have to figure that if someone gets elected over him it’s likely due to scum team coordination, right?

Idk it made sense to me :woman_shrugging:

im swamped in calls/appointments for the morning someone needs to tell me what to do if its time sensitive

I might have reading comprehension problems with the word ‘may’

I’ll vote when I get home shortly. I think president should definitely be in pt, andres is good, smoke and mirrors is not a great choice for him though

I don’t understand what you mean, symbol of hope?

Ya star said if it’s a 2 2 tie with our votes cuz cant change then hope wins

Ok probably going to go for andres, hope, yes access

Idk how many scum there are who can vote together but we should be the other biggest voting bloc

I sheep in the name of mitch the majority

What’s that reference elli I don’t understand??

VOTE: A Symbol of Hope and also Yes they should be added to this PT


wasn’t us all randing the cops out to 4 different people just best here.

I gave a cop

I don’t really love nooky explanation lol

coordinating for uniques was correct

But I do respect the word may

what’s this may thing?

Oh what I did not realise we all had cops, yes that would have been good

i need a summary of what you guys did and are voting on

i think clem fixed and chess espeonaged/copped?

anything else?

i feel like the likely split in here is 3/1 so this settup was semi breakable if we coordnated zzzz