The After-Afterlife (Demonic Mafia Dead Chat)

I mean it’s just dan right

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Evacuate thread, shits been spoiled

Wondering if there was town negative utility if we killed Satan. Gonna be upset if there wasn’t a Lucifer/Satan duality thing going on.

haven’t been following
the gladiate seemed lucky

It’s a scum win though

oh really? rip

Didnt k ow Dan was scum when I shot him

Lucifer and satan being equated is a pretty recent development, relatively speaking. Lucifer as the devil or as an alternate identity of Satan is an idea that started sometime in the mid-1400s or early 1500s IIRC, and is more of a commonly accepted idea than it is textually supported by the canonical bible in most christian sects.

Or I’m full of shit maybe, but that’s what I recall off hand from researching it a couple years ago.

Also, Dan got some altered versions of roles—lone scum gets buffs when their partners are dead and it’s not LYLO upcoming.

Even the idea of satan as being the devil/inherently evil is a distinctly christian idea (maybe Islam too? I’m shakier there tbh), IIRC in many forms of Judaism he’s not so much inherently evil as it is his job to test the Jewish people.

Again that’s just going off memory, I’m far from an expert.

a lot of stuff was added in around that time

dante’s fanfic became an amendment to christian canon because it made just as much sense as the source material

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Tbf Dante’s Inferno is the rare reboot that improves on the source material.

they made us memorize and recite parts of paradise lost in hs
fuck that shit

Lost Horizon is better.

Not Wheme ;_;

I’m kind of hoping scum win tbh. I designed this trying to aim for 60/40 scumsided maybe even a little higher, but they had a rough start. Be tough for dan to pull it through but hopefully he does.

I think scum win is a lot more likely than town win
Town are about to setup spec themselves to death

“Confirmed role = town” is just…I mean…that’s dumb. As if I wouldn’t give scum roles or would make the game that easy to solve :woman_shrugging:

It goes a bit further than that, Clem
Think about what Dan is going to do tonight
What town will think about that
What Dan will do the next night
(which will prove the d6 setup spec they WILL do)
It’s only at this point that confirmed role will = town

Eh, tbh I think that this game isn’t solvable by setup spec alone, at least not the way they’re going about it, but perfect knowledge helps I guess.

I’m not saying there’s zero room for it, just that the spec they’re doing isn’t likely to work great in most closed games I run :woman_shrugging: