Test things here!

@Ellibereth what am I doing wrong with that iframe?

Can we post iframes here?

Whatā€™s the code to do it?

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Can you post html here and it work? I assume not


It does.

html works, I have to whitelist iframes

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I would assume iframes are disabled. Dont they pose security concerns?

They did like 8 years ago or something idk if they do now

Massive ones.

Not worth white listing, at least not globally.

Thatā€™s what I thought. If you can whitelist them for only ds or something do it.

So iframe countdown timers not gonna happen then lol

Depends. Its probably better to have a mafia451 countdown timer so it doesnā€™t have to be iframe

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thereā€™s someone working on countdown stuff for discourse that we can piggy back off of eventually

Could be integrated into where you the the vote count

Where you see

Honestly the less external dependencies the better
The only reason we even use tiermaker is cuz itā€™s a great meme

Iā€™m p sure iframe is how dong energy hacked people in the CPL league on glb in s1. Maybe it was swf injections idk its been a while