Test Game

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Click gavel icon for vote


Watch as screen explodes into confetti as it resizes multiple times and highlights and unhilights sections of

VOTE: Name

Am I really going to have to effort and record this on another phone

VOTE: Name

ok works fine for me on pc

It’s basic android chrome app

100% of the time

Can’t repro on my android, let’s see if anyone else gets.


VOTE: Elli

When I click to vote it hides my keyboard

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Did the behavior change recently or was this an issue before?

Yea ok
VOTE: elli


VOTE: #norepro

@chesskid3 think we might need that recording

@chesskid3 can you reproduce on any other device? and do you get the same problem with other buttons like unvote and block quote?



Looks a bit like your onscreen keyboard is dropping and coming back up

That’s the same as me

ya so make it stop

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