Tarot uPick: Under A Deviant Moon - GAME OVER!

Mod is this true?

AFAIK I don’t have to do anything other than be alive to Enable the other roles that require enabling so I’m not sure what your point is.

Yes. You can look at the edit history for the post with the flip to see how it originally read.


Just trying to understand the role you are claiming smilodon and how we can test it.


It says action was enabled. That jives with what smiledon claims.


Smilodon is now at 4 votes, so can be hammered to end the day.

I don’t have a vote.

Dan’s role was enabled as well.

[quote]An Enabler has no active abilities, but are told what kind of power role they enable. If they die, that type of ability may no longer be used.
This effect applies to all players with the enabled ability. A Doctor Enabler’s death will cause every Doctor in the game to become useless.
Enablers are usually, but not always, Town.


Now you know as much as I do. :slight_smile:

However, I was not told what powers I am Enabling.

He may have been ‘Enabled’ by Smilodon being still ‘alive’ in the game.

We both know that would be too easy for this GM.:joy:

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What was Dan’s role, again (too lazy to go look)?

If you read further down the ms link, it says sometimes the role enables all roles of a type, so all cop roles or all doc roles, etc.

Dan was JOAT

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Yes, he was AN ENABLED JOAT.

In that case, one of his JOAT abilities would have been among the role type I may be enabling.

I’ve never encountered this role before so not certain of any of this.

what do we have

Katsu: amnesiac watcher
Judge: ???. recieved results except for todays
Me: Ali knows, softed type of treestump
Ali: Gladiator
Screen: Inventor
Smilodon: Enabler
Gif: n-shot doctor
pyx: double voter

is that right?

re-read my role PM. My role does nothing but “occasionally” receives anonymous messages via GM

dunno if chessbaby was blocked or I’m just not getting the night’s result

Either one of you could have been blocked.
The blocked don’t seem to be getting a message from the GM that they were blocked.

I doubt scum would block me