Tarot uPick: Under A Deviant Moon - GAME OVER!

beeboy reads = Deathwing%2C_Dragonlord(33177)_Gold

did I persuade you?

Vote: Bee

I payed good money for hs coaching a while back. I learned that Murlocs > Dragons, every time.

Do you guys get scum regularly/at all when you go by meta on day 1?

If n of you do, I’ll sheep the wagon, otherwise I’ll work with what I have

You’re really cautious. We’re doing this for a reason. You don’t need our approval to hop on.

I’m not after approval nor am I cautious. I’d rather go with the posting I’m parsing unless you guys know something I don’t.


I’m stoked Alisae is #1. Is that a hat of invisibility?

I thought you would compare me to something thats complete garbage tbh :confused:

Who is it derailing pyx?

I did a thing

We can nab pyx later. Today we hang the man of stones.

Big hype

U might not be quite so hyped when the thing happens

Is there 2 or 3 scum?

there will be 3 scum

We do know something you don’t. Welcome aboard. How do you feel about Hearthstoneman3’s vote atm?