SoDope Mafia Eleven

of you guys switch we can lynch anyone really…

If they flip town I’ll reevaluate how I should play. :slight_smile:

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I either want to lynch you or Josh currently

I need to see how elli is going for now, unsure of his neutral or just very different town town

@chesskid3 self vote? Josh and I won’t be around at DL.

Ping me if any of those two are actually gaining tension for a lynch

btw let me reiterate doctor protects josh not me ty.

I maintain Margaret is terrible town and not scum.

I maintain that I still think you are Mafia and just are one of the individuals that are read as Town no matter what alignment you are when you play with people who know you

I can actually confirm this is not true. I caught Josh in one game on this forum making a push that appeared nonsensical to me.

@chesskid3 @chesskid3 @chesskid3

confirm you’re venge by self voting ppplzzzz

I mean I told my partner to bus me in pre game and we won the game by you misvoting so it worked but yea you “caught” me

Nah, Josh knows I had a few tells on him. Dunno if they’re still valid though.

Yes I screwed up the end game I remember. And to think I was trying to help you haha

josh if you gtg proxy vote to me?

MS never revealed what role he was prior to getting recruited right?

Recruiting is not bastard. A bastard game involves the moderator being dishonest in some way.

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##Proxy Ellibereth

Sudden death, first broken tie the person with most lynch votes dies

Could just vote the @ name no?