SoDope Mafia Eleven

Why are u unvoting me

Because you cant dance

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Welp. Got eeem folks. Locker up

##vote chesskid3

On this site you need to use the vote tags. Do you see the little gavel icon? Do that and then type the persons username


How to vote?

(wondering if anything special must be done : P)

[ v o t e] [/ v o t e]


[v][/v] works too, or like ds said just click on the gavel in the composer, it’s next to underline.
You can see who’s voting who currently by clicking on the gavel in the post toolbar.
You can ISO (filter by one user’s post) by clicking on the man symbol next to the gavel, unfiltering is same button.
Finally when this game gets longer, you can navigate around it with links that’ll be in the i symbol in the header.

Also if you screw up some formatting/tag/typo thing you can just edit your post.


VOTE: Johnny

Yeah fuck that Johnny guy

VOTE: Ellibereth

Yoooooo what’s up

VOTE: Mittens

I’m claiming PR

@Ellibereth if you rolled scum would you shoot me n1


Gut says this is forced, but my brain says no.

Soulreading that they knew what the response was going to be.

This doesn’t read as RVS

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@ZZ_Racer are you town

VOTE: Metal Sonic

This rolled scum btw