Master of disguise (mafia) - StarV
Mafia Master of Disguise - Chooses one person at night and disguises himself as that person. If seen at night , the selected person is seen rather than the Master of Disguise. May also disguise other members of his team.
I feel the pain of the mafia
I like tried so hard to get town to speed lynch till the end because it was almost impossible for us to win and Elli didn’t allow me to resign.
Now StarV, shut the fuck up. Maybe don’t have your entire team bus one of your members with a specialty role on day one of a game when you haven’t figured out the setup for it yet.
M2H was a counter to the house system which could have killed Dusk and eliminated most of the power roles in the game.
You guys fucked up by bussing him d1.
How? M2H would just get role blocked or lynched for not following the housing plan?
I mean, if a core mafia member dies in a closed setup, then maybe don’t blame the victim?
most of the town was too dumb to realize the housing plan was a sure win so it didn’t work anyway LOL
I apologize, no town found each other outside of roles and they still won with ease. The set up was balanced.
M2H reveals to be:
Tunnel digger - M2H
Has the ability to choose two houses and dig between them creating a tunnel. Informs a single player of their tunnels location during the night, allowing that person to act on another houses players.
You didn’t read his role obviously
M2H would have still had to be in house 1 and thus be cockblocked every night.
Unless you’re telling me they were cockblock immune
There was a night where both Elli and StarV went to another house and you guys didn’t lynch them for it
That’s presicely why I lynched StarV
StarV essentially got town to MyLo so I’m not really concerned with the setup.
Town did horrible
Scum made bad choices
Gg guys!
We forced the mod to randomize it so that we could pretend to be afk.
Not the day of though. So yeah M2H could have changed a ton of scum actions by allowing them to hit any house.